
Firmware Programming – How to Format Serial Communication Data

Halton Xu
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Serial communication is a common method for transmitting data between electronic devices. When programming firmware for these devices, it's important to format the serial data in a way that both the transmitting and receiving devices can understand. In this article, we'll go over the basics of firmware programming and how to format serial communication data.

Serial communication is used in a variety of applications, including data transfer between microcontrollers, communication between microcontrollers and computers, and communication between sensors and microcontrollers. In serial communication, data is transmitted one bit at a time over a single wire or a set of wires.

When programming firmware for devices that use serial communication, it's important to understand the different parameters that define the communication, such as the baud rate, data bits, parity, and stop bits. The baud rate determines the speed at which the data is transmitted, while the data bits define the number of bits used to represent each character of data. The parity bit is used to check the integrity of the data, and the stop bits determine the end of a data frame.

Once the basic parameters are set, the next step is to format the data to be transmitted. There are two common methods for formatting serial data: ASCII and binary. ASCII encoding uses 7 or 8 bits to represent each character, while binary encoding uses 8 bits to represent a single byte of data. Binary encoding is typically used for transmitting raw data, while ASCII encoding is used for transmitting text data.

When transmitting data, it's important to consider the endianness of the data. Endianness refers to the order in which the bytes are stored in memory. There are two types of endianness: big-endian and little-endian. In big-endian, the most significant byte is transmitted first, while in little-endian, the least significant byte is transmitted first. It's important to ensure that both the transmitting and receiving devices are using the same endianness to avoid any issues with data transmission.

In addition to the basic parameters and data formatting, there are also advanced techniques that can be used to improve the efficiency and reliability of serial communication. For example, flow control mechanisms can be used to prevent data loss due to buffer overflows, and error detection and correction techniques can be used to ensure that the data is transmitted accurately.

In conclusion, formatting serial communication data is an important aspect of firmware programming. By understanding the basic parameters and data formatting techniques, as well as considering advanced techniques for improving efficiency and reliability, firmware programmers can ensure that their devices are able to communicate effectively over serial interfaces.